Manian mania
DJ Manian(2nd from right) with DJ Yanou and Natalie Horler(1st and 2nd from left) comprises CASCADA
Star struck~! Those words defined my state at the Eurodance party down at
OOSH, Having known that
Manian (1/3 of German eurodance group
Cascada) would be spinning along with other guest DJs, Naksi vs Brunner, from Hungary. My Euro-Buddy Aik and I dropped by the seemingly Uber-Ulu, Dempsey road venue via cab (on a rainy night no less), only to be greeted by the sight of 2 neat rows of luxury transportation (namely Porsches, Ferraris and the like) nicely parked at the lot in front of OOSH.
Our fears were confirmed after we entered the establishment and saw hordes of yuppies and rich expats' offsprings, dressed in sharp and expensive treads, mingling in the posh setting of the OOSH bar. Aik and I on the other hand, being impeccably Singaporean, simply wore t-shirts and jeans. Such self-embarassment continued when we proceeded to get a jug of house pour and I non-chalantly whipped out a 50, only to be told it was 67 BUCKS~! (WTF~!~!). Utterly bummed-out, we slithered back to our little standing table and ordered modest 10 bucks a glass drinks, hoping the music would be our salvation.
Naksi vs Brunner didn't disappoint, dishing out house and trancey hits smoove as a baby's bottom, yet as skilled as the Duo are, we couldn't help but feel that while the chill factor was present, there wasn't the High-energy rifts euro-lovers like us craved. Prayers were answered when Manian took the table at 12:30 and immediately people were seen shuffling to the impromtu dance floor and boogied to the non-stop Euro dance. This heart-thumpping session lasted only till 2, but we cherished every moment even as we felt the wave of nostalgia for the Singapore eurdance scene now long dead, get revived one night only.
It was then that i told Aik we should get a shot in with manian for boosting rights and he got out his...(using sarcastic caps here) UBER COOL 2.5 G VGA CAMERA PHONE of <2>
Probably the closest I'll get to Germany and actual Eurodance
Aik, DJ Manian and my Photoshop adjust brightness option
Manian and why Aik should get a new camera phone

You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Why people posts such quizzes I will never know, why do I post this then...?
One day in AMK Interchange...
Cute flag seller:"Sir? Sir? Do you have a moment?"
CFS:"Hi, I'm from the Blah blah blah, we are doing a drive to blah blah blah..."
Me:*Staring intently though not really listening*
CFS:"I'm not asking for a 50 dollars donation, something small like a 10 will do." *Smiles cutely*
Me:*unable to control arm movement, reaches for wallet and hands over the 10*
Back home, audio bombardment begins...